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 Young Woman Contemplating

Being a woman can be stressful at times! Do you ever feel overwhelmed by daily life? Feel as if
your to-do list is never-ending? You are not alone. Stress is a part of life, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

Goal: Get in tune with your personal triggers, signs/symptoms, and what
personal coping strategies work for you. This increased awareness can help
ensure your sense of control and empower you.

Objectives: A group for women seeking to identify different coping strategies and ways to deal
with the day-to-day stresses and ways to live a more positive lifestyle.

1. Learn about how your brain works under stress.
2. Define and identify personal stressors, both positive and negative.
3. Identify your early warning signs for increased stress.
4. Introduce and practice personal coping strategies for use at home,
including yoga, art therapy, mindfulness, journaling, etc.
5. Create personal action plan for daily use to help manage stress.

Preregistration Required: contact Integrative Psyche at 414-545-4430 or
by email:

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